By depending on other external markets, European countries are, in fact, aggravating their own economic woes. There is an ...
Few of Central Europe’s NGOs, especially those involved in promoting minority rights and helping vulnerable groups, hold out much hope that the flow of frozen US aid will resume.
Ukraine’s allies have warned against the European Union reopening Russian gas pipelines as part of a prospective peace settlement.
“I’m the closest that there is to the creative mind of László,” said Becker, who crafted the ingenious mid-century furniture, shabby Philadelphia interiors, tony drawing rooms and the sprawling ...
U.S. astronaut Peggy Whitson, the Mission commander, who has a doctorate in biochemistry, is taking the necklace that she ...
Across Europe, centrist parties increasingly paint even mild social democracy as a “radical left” threat. The wild rhetoric ...
Amazon in France has decided not to use a cloned voice of Sylvester Stallone's longtime dubber as European dubbers lead the ...
None of the 12 economists surveyed in a January Reuters poll expect Hungary's economy to reach the 3.4% growth Orban baked into this year's budget. Erste Bank, last year's most accurate forecaster of ...
Ancient-DNA analyses identify a Caucasus Lower Volga people as the ancient originators of Proto-Indo-European, the precursor ...
Poland won’t get any money back after its previous, conservative government was hit by a record-breaking fine by the European ...
Strongman” leaders in Europe — allied with the likes of President Donald Trump and Russia’s Vladimir Putin — look ...