Only a tiny percentage of people addicted to alcohol or drugs take medication for it. Why not? It's complicated, but the ...
Loneliness and social anxiety can make you more likely to use social media problematically. Social media use can also lead to ...
Astronauts experience changes in time perception when they undergo microgravity. A new study shows that lying in a head-down ...
When diversity, equity and inclusion supports are withdrawn, what's next for the people who need supports, including ...
Rebuilding community after disaster helps recover resilience, by designing for whole-person health and well-being at micro- ...
Harm reduction isn't just a strategy; it's an act of compassion that rewrites the script of addiction treatment, offering a ...
Artificial intelligence renders essay questions on graduate school applications obselete. Schools should increase their ...
Traumatic brain injury can lead to profound downstream barriers to obtaining adequate nutrition from the diet.
Smiling reduces stress, boosts mood with endorphins, fosters social bonds, and masks pain in "smiling depression," enriching ...
Why parents may embrace the harmful practice of spanking for their kids but not their pets, and what this double standard ...
Freaking out because you lost a game or missed a putt? Shape up your perspective on sports to maintain composure and focus ...
Dissociative identity disorder arises as a response to trauma. Understanding its neurobiology offers valuable insights into ...