Faculty members have set up a website and are gathering signatures of support to hold a vote for forming a union. Penn State ...
Representative Charity Krupa introduced three bills that would give Pennsylvanians a voice when it comes to higher education ...
On This Week in Pennsylvania, host Dennis Owens talks to State Rep. Paul Takac (D-Centre), whose district covers Penn State ...
The series of bills would require legislative approval and community input before a public university decides to close a ...
The U.S. Department of Education manages college loans, seeks to prevent discrimination and sends more than $1.6 billion annually to Pa. schools.
West Shore Home Field at Beaver Stadium is the new name for the field at Penn State's football stadium, starting this fall.
The heat is on to launch a project that could lead to large-scale extraction of geothermal heat, a stable and abundant energy ...
A committee studying whether to close Penn State campuses has been asked to keep “a continued presence” in Northeastern ...
The system routinely conducts comprehensive evaluations of its presidents, but this review is coming earlier than usual and ...