It was revealed to eclipse her feelings for Stefan and could no longer be easily ignored. The Vampire Diaries season 6 saw Elena Gilbert choose to erase positive memories of Damon Salvatore - here ...
Every avid viewer of The Vampire Diaries has engaged in the ongoing debate about the morality of Damon Salvatore (Ian Somerhalder ... he tried to protect Stefan (Paul Wesley) from their father ...
While the love triangle between Stefan, Elena, and Damon was a mainstay on the show, the romance between the elder Salvatore ...
The Salvatore Brothers ... quickly turned into a messy love triangle between the couple and Stefan’s brother, Damon. With all the back-and-forth, it was a question about who Elena would ...
While The Vampire Diaries kicked off with a love triangle between Stefan, Elena Gilbert (Dobrev) and Damon Salvatore (Somerhalder), Wesley’s character ultimately ended up with Caroline ...