Tens of thousands of Belgians took to the streets in protest over the new government’s planned pension reforms. During the ...
Tens of thousands of Belgians took to the streets on Thursday in protest over the new government’s planned pension reforms, ...
Close to 100,000 protesters have thronged the center of Brussels while airports and public transport were largely paralyzed ...
Thousands protested in Belgium against the government's new pension reforms, leading to the cancellation of 430 flights at Brussels airport. The strike, opposing Prime Minister Bart De Wever's ...
More than seven months after the parliamentary elections in June 2024, political talks have resulted in the formation of a ...
Belgium new government was sworn in on Monday ending months of political deadlock Bart De Wever leader of the Flemish nationalist N-VA party which ...
After lengthy negotiations, Belgium now has a new government ready to launch a series of reforms. But the need to compromise ...
Belgium new government was sworn in on Monday ending months of political deadlock Bart De Wever leader of the Flemish ...
Formateur en beoogd premier Bart De Wever heeft daarover verslag uitgebracht aan koning Filip. De Wever gaat met zijn Vlaams-nationalistische N-VA een bonte coalitie aan met de Vlaamse en Waalse ...
Maandag komt daar verandering in, als Bart De Wever (N-VA) na meer dan zeven maanden onderhandelen aantreedt als voorman van zijn eerste kabinet. Hij wordt leider van een land dat hij het liefste ...
N-VA leader Bart De Wever, 54 ... as parties struggled to agree on the budget cuts, tax hikes and pension reforms De Wever insisted on to improve the government finances of the euro zone's ...