“Train Dreams,” a drama starring Joel Edgerton and Felicity Jones, has been acquired by Netflix out of Sundance. Our own review called it a “patient, profound and painful experience” and compared it ...
Train Dreams,” a lyrical drama about a logger whose work developing America’s railroad keeps him laboring in isolation, has ...
The new trailer for Netflix's show "Running Point" has officially released, showing Kate Hudson as she takes over the Los Angeles Waves.
Netflix is buying the Joel Edgerton and Felicity Jones drama Train Dreams. Sources tell us that the deal was in the high teen millions. Pic is based on the 2011 Denis Johnson novella and directed by ...
What does it take to coax Ben Affleck to the deteriorating heart of Hollywood Blvd. at 9 a.m. on a Wednesday to deliver the two-minute elevator pitch for his latest movie to a room full of journalists ...