Granlund scored a goal on two shots and went plus-2 in Sunday's 4-1 win over the Canucks.
Granlund put up an assist and two shots on goal in Saturday's 5-4 loss to the Oilers.
Mikael Granlund teki ensimmäisen maalinsa Dallas Starsin nutussa sunnuntain NHL-kierroksella. Dallas kukisti Vancouver Canucksin vieraissa 4-1. Granlund esiintyi 13. ottelussaan Dallasin riveissä. Hän ...
VANCOUVER, British Columbia — Mikael Granlund scored his first goal for the Stars and Dallas beat the Vancouver Canucks 4-1 on Sunday night. Dallas picked up both the Finnish center and Cody ...
VANCOUVER — Mikael Granlund scored his first goal for the Stars and Dallas dumped the Vancouver Canucks 4-1 on Sunday. Dallas picked up both the Finnish centre and Cody Ceci from the San Jose ...
VANCOUVER - Mikael Granlund scored his first goal for the Stars and Dallas dumped the Vancouver Canucks 4-1 on Sunday. Dallas picked up both the Finnish centre and Cody Ceci from the San Jose ...
VANCOUVER — Mikael Granlund scored his first goal for the Stars and Dallas dumped the Vancouver Canucks 4-1 on Sunday. Dallas picked up both the Finnish centre and Cody Ceci from the San Jose Sharks ...