Born in 1929 in Columbus, Ohio, Rosser was one of 17 children. As the oldest of the bunch, he was naturally very protective ...
The Medal of Honor, the United States’ highest award for valor in the face of the enemy, was established during the Civil War ...
which consisted of Chon conferring Korean Peace Medals on four local Korean War veterans to thank them for helping rescue half the Korean peninsula 70 years ago from Communist domination ...
During the Korean War, Lt. j.g. John Koelsch ... Wilkins and Neal were subsequently awarded the Prisoner of War Medal after they were released. Neal also received the Navy Cross for his actions ...
Minister, chaplain, and author Dr. Billy Holland writes about Staff Sgt. Reckless, a horse who became a Korean War hero.
Two bills, signed into law by the governor in November 2023 created the New York State Afghanistan War Commemorative Medal ...
"Colonel Davis served with incredible distinction, earning multiple military medals while flying during World War II and selflessly made the ultimate sacrifice for his country during the Korean ...
the United Nations Korea Medal, a Navy Unit Commendation, and the Animals in War and Peace Medal of Bravery, among others. In 1997, Reckless was listed by LIFE magazine as one of America’s 100 ...