Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce says the renewable energy debate will not be won by political parties but “physics ...
The Teal independents claimed inner-city seats in 2022, but as political disenfranchisement continues, will we see the same ...
It is Australia's final political contest before Prime Minister Albanese calls a national election that is due by mid May.
For the first time ever the Australian Christians  political party has won a seat in the WA election. Maryka Groenewald,the ...
The opposition failed to substantially weaken ruling center-left Labor and put pressure on Prime Minister Anthony Albanese.
Backed by significant mining industry and other business figures, Labor won Saturday’s state election in WA, but largely due ...
in Australia opposing the Australian Electoral Commission’s (AEC) rejection of the SEP’s application for registration as an official political party. The AEC’s refusal is a blatant attack on ...
SYDNEY - The Labor party secured re-election in Western Australia on March 8 as the state’s voters backed the party in a ...
Australia's Labor party secured re-election in Western Australia state on Saturday, as voters backed the party in a final political contest before Labor Prime Minister Anthony Albanese calls a ...
Western Australia Polls to Test Popularity ... calls a national election that is due by mid May. The conservative opposition Liberal party will look to weaken the ruling Labor party's stronghold ...