These moves, when they accumulate together, constitute a real danger to democracy and the security of Israel and to every ...
"The prime minister’s decision to bring Bar’s dismissal to a government vote constitutes a severe conflict of interest and a ...
A T FIRST GLANCE it would seem that Binyamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime minister, was acting within his powers when he ...
PM cites 'ongoing distrust' in security agency chief, who says expectation of personal loyalty is 'fundamentally illegitimate ...
Amid ongoing tensions, Israeli prime minister cites his distrust in the intelligence chief, who says that Netanyahu ...
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he will seek the dismissal of the director of the Shin Bet internal security ...
Ronen Bar, who has been in a public spat with Netanyahu over agency reforms, suggested there were political motives behind ...
The law does not specify a proceeding for dismissing the head of the Shin Bet. Section 3 of the General Security Service Law ...
Netanyahu on Sunday cited an “ongoing lack of trust” as the reason for moving to sack Ronen Bar, head of the Shin Bet ...